Thursday, June 20, 2013

The winner of our 400 Liker Facebook Giveaway is Letisha W. of Hobart!!!!!!!!!  Congratulations Letisha!!!! Letisha has won a Customised and Personalised Birthday Plate.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

And the winner is.............


The winner of our April Wine Glass competition is.....

***** Lee-Anne Kershaw *****

Congratulations Lee-Anne!!!! 

Thank you everyone for entering and don't forget to check out our full range at our online shop.

 ~ Ruth :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Birthday Wine Glass of the Month

Want to win one of our fabulous April Birthday Wine Glasses then just complete the form below.  

Good luck everyone and have a great birthday!

~ Ruth

Terms and Conditions:

This Competition is open to Australian residents only with one entry per person.  The Competition is open from 2nd April 2013 and will close at midnight 9th April 2013 Australian EST and any entries after this time will not be eligible.  The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the blog and we will also be notified via email.  

It is a condition of entry that you sign up to our mailing list with a valid email address. You are entitled to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, but then of course you’d miss out on seeing our gorgeous new products and special offers but that decision is yours.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

And the winner for March is......

And the winner for the March Birthday of the Month Wine Glass is ...................... no one.  No entries this month, hopefully better luck in April.

~ Ruth :)

Friday, March 1, 2013


For your chance to win a March Birthday Girl/Boy Wine Glass or Mug just complete the form below.  Entries close midnight 8th March 2013 for your chance to win.


Good luck everyone and have a great birthday!

~ Ruth

Terms and Conditions:

This Competition is open to Australian residents only with one entry per person.  The Competition is open from 1st March 2013 and will close at midnight 8th March 2013 Australian EST and any entries after this time will not be eligible.  The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the blog and we will also be notified via email.  

It is a condition of entry that you sign up to our mailing list with a valid email address. You are entitled to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, but then of course you’d miss out on seeing our gorgeous new products and special offers but that decision is yours.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

And the winner is.............

The winner of our February Wine Glass competition is.....

***** Tara Gibson *****

Congratulations Tara!!!! I will be in touch via email to arrange delivery of your glass.

Thank you everyone for entering and don't forget to check out our full range at our online shop.

 ~ Ruth :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gift Guide for Valentine's Day

Check out our Gift Guide for Valentine's Day.  There are some gorgeous suggestions to spoil your loved one or check out the full range and more at online shop.  

~ Ruth :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Birthday Wine Glass Competition

For your chance to win the a February Birthday Girl/Boy Wine Glass just answer the question below: -

           What is the best thing you have done on your birthday?

Good luck and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone in February.

~ Ruth

Terms and Conditions:

This Competition is open to Australian residents only with one entry per person.  The Competition is open from 1st February 2013 and will close at midnight 7th February 2013 Australian EST.  and any entries after this time will not be eligible.  The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the blog and we will also be notified via email.  

It is a condition of entry that you answer the question and also sign up to our mailing list with a valid email address. You are entitled to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, but then of course you’d miss out on seeing our gorgeous new products and special offers.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

And the winners are.....

For the January Birthday Wine Glass of the month the winners are........

Karen Whelan and Cassandra Wunsch

Congratulations ladies!!!! I will be in touch via email to arrange delivery of your glasses.

The competition for February will be released on the 1st so stay tuned for more details.

happy long weekend everyone.

~ Ruth :

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January Birthday Wine Glass Competition

For your chance to win just answer the followng question: -

What makes your birthday special?

And as an extra special offer for the month of January and to celebrate my birthday which happens to be this month we will be drawing 2 lucky winners.

To view our full range visit our online shop

The winner will be drawn on Friday 25th January at 9pm and be announced here, so make sure you check back to see if you are the lucky winner

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hi everyone,

So I thought I might actually start putting my blog to use and actually write some blog posts.  I read a good saying recently “start as you intend to finish” and I love that idea so I thought I’d get started and hopefully I’ll still be going strong at the end of 2013.  So here’s the first post of many - hopefully ;).

I thought I would tell you a bit about myself for those that don’t already know.  I have a husband of nearly 11 years, where the time has gone I have no idea although there have been many, many house moves, renovations and one house build where we were owner builders (never again!!!!).  I am also a Mum to one gorgeous little girl who is nearly 3 and we also have 2 four legged girls – a daschund and a fox terrier cross who actually probably give us more trouble than our 2 legged one.  The daschund particularly does as she seems to have a fetish of eating clothing and in particular socks which thus results in an expensive trip to the vet and surgery to remove the offending sock when it gets stuck. 

Now back to me.  I LOVE purple and jewellery, particularly earrings and I collect anything daschund.  I also used to love DIY/house renovating but after having built and doing a major reno at our current house I am SOOOO over it lol but we are nearly finished and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (thank god!!!).  

I have been interested in all things art and craft since a child and have dabbled in many things over the years.    I was obsessed about paper previously and ran an internet business Daisy Giftwares where I sold cardmaking and scrapbooking supplies which I did for 10 years before selling it when my daughter was born.  I had intended to be a full time mum but my daughter turned out to be an awesome sleeper to every ones shock (who hears of a baby sleeping through the night as soon as we get home from the hospital, but we are sooo not complaining) so I started dabbling in craft projects again and I’ve always had a love for glass even having done some lead lighting courses and as I also love designing I combined the two resulting in R.E.S Designs being launched in August of 2010. 

I started off just as a hobby selling to family and friends and the odd online auction site and then we introduced a few markets here and there but it just kept going from strength to strength and we launched our own website in August of 2012.  We also enjoyed attending our first wedding expo last year and we are looking forward to attending the Launceston Wedding Expo at the Hotel Grand Chancellor on April 14th this year. 

We also live in beautiful Hobart, Tasmania and thankfully are not near the dreadful bushfires that the Tasman Peninsula has suffered through already this year.  But it’s time likes these that I love being Tasmanian.  Seeing everyone rallying around and throwing themselves in to doing whatever they can to help is just so inspiring and moving. 

So that pretty much sums me up in a nutshell.  I look forward to getting to know everyone and feel free to leave a comment to tell me a bit about yourself.

~ Ruth :)