Thursday, August 7, 2014


Well it’s not quite a month since my last post.  A bit longer than what I was planning but not as bad as I was last year so things are looking up.  :)

We have been rather busy with all things Father’s Day and weddings at the moment here at RES HQ.  We have also been working on a plan for something we will be launching this month.  If only we could settle on the name.  We also turn 4 this month so “Happy Birthday” to us.  I don’t know where the time has gone and keep your eyes peeled on our online store for some birthday goodness.  It might also be worth signing up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about it. 

We have been having some wild weather in Hobart and last weekend it snowed!  Only 10 minutes from where we lived we found some snow and managed to make a very sad looking snowman (see pic below).  After much pleading from our 4 year old we went back the next day and managed to get higher up in Collinsvale while sliding off the road into a ditch and having to get pulled out by a nice man in a 4wd driving past.  A big THANK YOU to that good samaritan.  It was great fun though covering my husband in mud while he tried to push us out first (insert lots of laughing by me here). 

(Our sad looking snowman on the first day.)

 (The second day of snow.)

Keep happy and healthy til next time.
Ruth :)